EZCO Designsezco designs environment ezco desgins productezco designs transportationezco designs photography
“lighting/interior for a berkely startup
in the old cyclotron building: Ezco”
Concept for oce and seismic
structure “The Yard”
Concept for Bar/Screening space
“The Yard”
"Freedom Doors" Guerrilla install
The Yard at Warszawa.
lighting/interior for a berkely startup
in the old cyclotron building: Ezco
Ply Wood Bar at Project One
San Francisco
Ply Wood Bar at Project One
San Francisco
Bench supported by rocks that
desolve. Ezco/Dave Duveneck
Lingerie cabinet: Pine, Cedar,
Stainless reclaimed from a shipyard.
Previz for a tradeshow booth
TMC Communications
Complete crateable tradeshow booth
TMC Communications.